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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

Just the other way round!

Well, I'm not so sure.

I can't possibly. .

Well, I wouldn't go quite that far. .

I shouldn't say so.

I wouldn't say that exactly.

I've got some reasons to disagree.

It might be right but...

I've got an argument to oppose.

That's totally unfounded. You can't be serious.

Instructing people how to do things

First of all you ...

Oh, and by the way, don't forget to ...

The first thing you have to do is ...

Make sure you remember to ...

After you've done that you...

Oh, and be careful not to do ...

The next thing you do is...

Expressing complaints

I'm sorry to have to say this ...

I have a complaint to make...

We've got a bit of a problem

It's just not good enough. You must try to ...

here, you see ...

It is completely unjustified (unfair).

I'm sorry to trouble you, but...

It gives us real cause for grievance.

There is no excuse for ...

Next and this is very serious — I feel that...

I'd like to point out that...

I wonder if you could help me...

Expressing apology

Oh dear, I'm most awfully sorry.

I'm sorry I didn't realize.

I can't tell you how sorry I am.

I'm ever so sorry.

I just don't know what to say.

Excuse me i f . . .

You'll excuse me, won't you, if ...

. . . i f you don't mind my asking.

Expressing likes and dislikes


I like ... very much indeed.

I (really) enjoy. .

I've always liked/loved ...

There's nothing I like/enjoy more than ...

I'm (really) very fond o f . . .

...is (really) terrific/great/lovely.

It's too lovely for words.

I haven't seen ... for years I have liked so much.


(I'm afraid) I don't like ...

I've never liked ..., (I'm afraid).

... is not one of my favourite ... I (really) hate ...

I think ... is pretty awful/really unpleasant.

I'm not (really) keen on ...

. . . i s . . . ghastly/rubbish ...

I can't say ... appeals to me very much.

I must say I'm not too fond o f . . .

What a dull/boring ... Why, there's no ... in it.

Dealing with moods and feelings

J o y a n d e n t h u s i a s m : Great/That's great/Terrific. Good! Marvellous! Fantastic! How wonderful! How exciting!

How thrilling!

A n n o y a n c e :

How annoying! What a nuisance! What a bore!

That's just what I needed!

I've just about had enough of...

I just can't stand ...

... is driving me crazy (mad).

D i s t r e s s :

I'm worried I just don't know what to do ... I feel terrible. I've got a lot on my mind. I don't feel at all happy.

I'm fed up. I can't take much more of this.

I n d i f f e r e n c e :

I can't say I'm interested.

I couldn't care less.

Please yourself.

I don't mind what you do.

The whole thing bores me to death.

R e a s s u r a n c e :

Cheer up. Take .it easy.

Don't you think you're over-reacting a bit?

There's no need to get so upset.

Don't let it get you down.

It's not as bad as all that, surely?

Oh, come on, it's actually quite interesting.

I see what you mean, but on the other hand ...


I think I'd much prefer to ... ; nothing like as good (bad) as ... ; that's what I thought... ; and that's another thing; there's much va-

riety in ... ; to be similar in ... ; there's a tremendous number of differences in ... ; to have much (little) in common ...