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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

that the child not be blamed, attacked, or insulted.

4. Children's feelings are more important than teacher's


5. Teachers who make fun of children or pick out certain

weaknesses or deficiencies can leave lasting scars on a

child's attitude toward school.

16. Role-Playing.

The class is divided into four groups. Each group is in a different mood.

Group A. You are all in a bad temper.

Group B, You are all depressed

Group C. You are all in a good mood.

Group D. You are all bored and indifferent.

When each group has established its mood by talking together, everyone goes round the class talking to different people. Try to

make the people you meet share your mood! At the end tell everyone what you did and how successful you were. Did anyone manage

to change your mood ?

17. Group Discussion.

Topic 1. Negative feelings seem to change character with intensity

T a l k i n g p o i n t s :

1. A certain amount of fear can almost be fun.

2. Pregame anxiety for a competitive athlete, while still anxiety is an excitement he often relishes.

3. Shame and guilt are essential for the development of some noble qualities such as generosity, unselfishness, duty.

4. Many teachers recognize that the excitement of anxiety and challenge is the very zest of teaching.

Topic 2. Emotions are perfectly permissible signs of the healthy body's response to distress

T a l k i n g p o i n t s :

1. When we feel anger, physical tension develops spontaneously, automatically. We need to release this tension through action of

some kind — to run, bang, even to hit.

2. Anger that is expressed spontaneously clears the air, can both remove the tension and the disturbing cause.

3. Accumulation of irritation, annoyance and stress leads to headaches, sickness of various kinds and proverbial ulcers.

4. People's inner feelings have no claim to public recognition. We have a responsibility— not only to the social unit, but also to

our personal dignity — to keep "it" in.

Topic 3. Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet

T a l k i n g p o i n t s :

1. The fact of succeeding despite difficulties excites us, contributes to our self-confidence and self-esteem.

2. A removal of pain or revival of hope makes us feel good.

3. Most things that involve great pleasure also involve sweat, toil, perseverance and agony.

4. Satiation and easy gratification ultimately destroy pleasure.

Unit Seven


1. I have always hesitated to give advice.

I hesitated to ask him for help.

He didn't hesitate to take such a big risk.

Don't hesitate to refuse the offer if you don't like it.

2. How can one advise another unless one knows that other as well as one knows himself?

They won't accept your plan unless you alter it.

You'll fail unless you work hard.

Unless I'm mistaken, he's an artist.

Unless he's done the work properly, I shan't accept it.

3. He had some difficulty in lighting it.

I have some difficulty in understanding spoken German.

She had some difficulty in finding the house.

We had some difficulty in selecting a present for her.