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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

– I cant say I feel any sharp pain in some definite place I just ache all over.

— Does it hart you to move your arms, legs or head?

— My head aches all the time, it hurts me to look at the light and each movement is painful.

— Well, I must examine you. Dont be afraid, it wont be painful.

— But doctor, each touch gives me pain.

— Well, try and take it easy.

b) – Your childs health is in a rather bad condition, he must be thoroughly examined in the polyclinic.

— But, doctor, he is in no condition to leave the house, he is too weak.

— Perhaps wed better take him to hospital then.

— Oh, doctor, isnt it possible to keep him at home?

— Well, only on condition that you follow all mv instructions.

c) 1. In spiteortiis fathers wish he refused to leave the Medical Institute as he was fond of medicine and didnt want to give it up. 2.1 decided to break with him after he had refused to help me when I was in great need of help. 3. Though she regularly refused his proposals, he couldnt give up his dream of marrying her .sooner or later. 4. If she asks me for any favour, Ill never refuse her. 5. If I were you, I wouldnt give up my plan so easily. d, 1. The children jumped and squealed like little puppies Z. The girl tried to behave like a grown-up person. 3. She was invited to this conference as a specialist in medicine. 4. He works as a doctor in one of our hospitals. 5. You just listen to him he speaks like a real doctor, though he doesnt know anything about medicine. 6. As your doctor, I dont allow you to get up for some more days. Ex. X, p. 59 l.The clinical thermometer is a small thermometer for tinding out the temperature of the body. 3. The boiling point Of the Fahrenheit thermometer is 212\ of the Centigrade PAGE24 Essential Course thermometer – 100 and of the Reamur thermometer■ – 80 3 A kilometre is a measure of length as well as a mile and a foot, a kilogram and a pound are measures oTweight. –4. His high temperature worried the boy because he didnt know the difference between Fahrenheit and Centigrade thermometers. Ex. XII, p. 60 1 What conditions did you live under/in when you were a child? 2 I have put down all he said about it/all his remarks on this matter. 3. If you had taken these pills yesterday, you would be feeling much better today. 4. The girls looked miserable when they were told that their mother was ill. 5. Let the children run barefoot, it wont do the™ any harm 6 A11 sick people are alike: they worry about small/little things (about trifles) and behave like children. 7. If I were you. I wouldn t write down this data, it is of no great importance 8. If you stay awake, you will feel awful tomorrow. 9 1 like this doctor because he doesnt prescribe too many medicines. 10. Is tie absent again? Its just like him to miss lessons when we are having a test. 11. I wouldnt say that there was much hkeness between us/that we were much alike. 12. It looks like rain. I think we had better stay at home. Ex. XIII, p. 61 a) "Well, youd better let me take your temperature," said Griffiths. slJ , "Its quite unnecessary," answered Philip irritably. Philip put the thermometer in his mouth. Griffiths sat at/by the side of the bed and chattered brightly for a moment, then he took it out and looked at it. л ™,, „ „M "Now, look here, old man, you stay in bed, and I 11 bring old Deacon (round/around) to have a look at you." "Nonsense," said Philip. "Theres nothing the matter. I wish vou wouldnt bother about me." "But it isnt any bother. Youve got a temperature and you must stay in bed. You will, wont you?" "Youve got a wonderful bedside manner," Philip murmured, closing his eyes with a smile. b) J. – рЫ Цр was not irritated at Griffiths advice, was he? Unit Two 2 5 Yes, he was. He said there was nothing the matter with him. 2. — Philip put the thermotmeter under his arm, didnt he?