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Илья Петрович Ильин

340. Riffaterre M. La production du texte. - P., 1979. - 284 p.

341. Rifiaterre M. Semiotics of poetry. - Bloomington; L.,1978. - X, 213 p.

342. Riffaterre M. La syUepse intertextuelle. // Poetique. - P., 1979. - № 40.-P. 496–501.

343. Rivals Y. Les Demoiselles d'A. - P., 1979. - 462 p.

344. Roger Ph. Roland Barthes, roman. - P., 1986. - 350 p.

345. Rorty R. Philosophy as a kind of writing: An essay on Derrida. // New lit. history. - Charlottesvllle, 1978. - Vol. 10, No I. - P. 141–160.

346. Ryan M. Marxism and deconstruction: A crit. articulation. - Baltimore, 1982. - XIX, 232 p.

347. Ryan M.-L. Pragmatics of personal and impersonal fiction. // Poetics. - Amsterdam, 1981. -Vol. 10, № 6. - P. 517–539.

348. Said E. W. Beginnings: Intention and method. - N.Y., 1965. - XXI, 414р.

349. Saldivar R. Figural language in the novel: The flowers of speech from Cervantes to Joyce. - Princeton, 1984. - XIV, 267 p.

350. Sarup M. An introductory guide to post-structuralism and postmodernism. - N.Y., 1988. - VIII, 171 p.

351. Schneidau H. S. Sacred discontent: The Bible and Western tradition. - Baton Rouge, 1976. - 331 p.

352. Schneiderman S. Jacques Lacan: The death of an intellectual hero. - Harvard, 1983, -VII, 182 p.

353. Searle J. R. Indirect speech acts. // Syntax and semantics. - N.Y., 1975. - Vol. 3. - P. 59–82.

354. Searle J. Reitirating the differences: A reply to Derrida. // Glyph. - Baltimore, 1977. -№ 1. - P. 198–288.

355. Sheridan A. M. Foucault: The will to truth. - L., 1981. - 243 p.

356. Silhol R. Le texte du desir: La critique apres Lacan. - Petit Roeulx, 1984,-256p.

357. Smart B. Michel Foucault. - Chichester; N.Y., 1985. - 150 p.

358. Smith P. Discerning the subject. - Minneapolis, 1988. - 220 p.

359. Smith P. Julia Kristeva et al., or Take three or more. // Feminism and psychoanalysis. / Ed. by Feldstein R., Roof J. - Ithaca; L.,1989. -P. 84-104.

360. Sellers Ph. L'ecriture et l'experience des limites. - P., 1970. - 190 P.

361. Sellers Ph. Theses generales. // Tel quel. - P., 1971. - № 44. - P. 96–98.

362. Spanos W. V. Repetitions: The postmodern occasion in literature and culture. - Bloomington, 1987. - 322 p.

363. Spitz R. A. De la naissance a la parole. - P., 1979. - 318 p.

364. Steiner W. The colours of rhetoric: Problems in the relation between modern lit. and painting. - Chicago, 1982. - 236 p.

365. Suleiman S. Naming and difference: Reflexions on «modernism versus postmodernism» in literature. // Approaching postmodernism. / Ed. by Fokkema D., Bertens H. - Amsterdam, 1986.-P. 255–270.

366. Tadie J.-Y. La critique litteraire au XXe siecle. - P., 1987. - 318 p.

367. Technologies of the self: A seminar with Michel Foucault. / Ed. By Martin L. H. et al. - L., 1988. - 166 p.

368. Textual strategies: Perspectives in post-structuralist criticism. / Ed. with an introd. by Harari J. V. - L., 1980. - 475 p.

369. Theorie d'ensemble. - P., 1968. - 275 р.

370. TodorovTz. Grammaire du Decameron.- Hague, 1969. - 100 p.

371. Todorov Tz. Theorie du symbole. - P., 1977. - 357 p.