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Таня Д Дэвис

— «Hello, Helen, how are you?» — asked Julia, but it wasn’t really the question she wanted to ask, for she didn’t care about Helen. The one she really cared about was Helen’s husband, James Carrol, or her first love Jim, for whom she had once forecast a great literary career and who, after that 25-year-old bestseller, had failed to produce anything of genuine value. «What has happened to his talent, I wonder», — thought Julia and said, — «and how is Jim?»

— «Fine, thanks. You know he received a prize for his last screen play».

My God, still writing those idiotic screen plays, making money out of fools, sooner or later you will turn into a fool, too.» — Jim used to say. «Is this really true?» — wondered Julia, — «what had become of Jim’s talent, of his soul? If only I could find out! But what if I… Oh, what a brilliant idea!»

The next morning Julia stood in front of the now familiar Dickesian door with golden letters determined to have a business conversation with the owner of the Human Soul Travellers Club. Mr. Toffiles greeted her like an old friend and without waiting for her to enquire offered a colourful leaflet, provided full details about human soul travelling.

«After passing a medical test the customer is provided with a traveller’s card, which enables him to make three tours, joining three soul-bearers. HSTC is responsible for the client’s body while his soul is on tour. HSTC ambulance (number plate HX 0103) is due to fetch the client’s body within five minutes after switching and take it to the waiting room of the HSTC. The traveller can use the right of extra-switching in case he cannot adjust to the mental atmosphere of his soul-bearer. Any interference in other people’s affairs on the part of the traveller or any attempt to influence their behavior will be penalised».

Julia’s common sense and curiosity were fighting so vigorously that her head began to ache.

«Well, Mr. Toffiles», — she said. — «I think I’m going to try, but there’s some points which I’d like to clarify. Do I choose my soul-bearers only from the list offered by your agency or am I free to join any person I want?»

— «You can choose either from the list or make your own choice. It’s up to you. But the advantage of our list is that it gives the name of people, who are going on tours to places our customer would like to visit. For example, if you pay one hundred pounds we shall immediately supply you with a list of people, who are going to visit China in the very near future».

At home Julia didn’t even look at Mr. Toffiles’ list for she was quite certain whom she would join first. Jim! That fool Jim whom she had once loved so much and who had preferred Helen’s charms to her fidelity. In their student years Jim had been no success whatsoever with the girls, but Julia had fallen in love with that thin, ordinary, grey-eyed boy, because he possessed two precious talents — to create wonderful stories out of simple words and to make friends with children.