Читать «Ненависть, Неверие, Надежда (поэзия)» онлайн - страница 3

Тимонг Лайтбрингер

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Stop crying now, there is no one To help you, man, they all but gone, They disappeared with the wind, Theirs empathy you shall not find. You see it now? You’re left alone, Your so-called 'friends' were quickly gone, And so-called 'love' abandoned you, Devoted ones ... they are so few. Strong-willed men ... do they exist? There is but one, the very least. You know this one - this one is you, You wanted more? No, they are few. You wanted friend? Accept your rival. You wanted sun? Yours day is nival. You wanted help? You'll get no one. Accept, that, man - you'll find it fun. You hoped for trust? You'll find suspicion. Your eyes are clear? They'll dim your vision. You struggled for freedom? You are bound And understanding won't be found. No one cares of the others No one sees us, men, as brothers, No one's willing to escape Bonds of hatred, minds of slave. You'll find it fun one lonely day To see those heartless as live's prey, Theirs shadows dim the light of sun For their hearts are in the run. No love - but a despair, you'll learn one day - that's fair, It must be diamond-rare for no one truly care...


The thoughts are pooling through the mind, But answers you will never find, And He, who only judged and blamed Will never make you feel ashamed. The One, who cares not of us, But who grabs souls in his pass, The One who cursed you with a bane To feel and act like an insane... Oh, but he listens not to you, The ones he listened to were few, Or there were none at all For they were burned in their fall. Remember times, when you were young Respected leader of the gang? Or maybe earlier than that, Admiring dead, silenced cat? Remember death, who looked so true, When mother died when you were two? And how you clinged for the life... All for survive, all to survive !? Perhaps He cursed your father too And left his body as a clue? For just to shatter bonds of fate He disappeared when you were eight... In fear for your own life You started robbing to survive, And soon you joined with the others - Your bloody-bounded cursed brothers. Together you were real power, Who were soon christened in blood's shower... And that is how you have been done - The Cursed One, and a sin's son. But these days have long since passed... Your darkest times, as you've guessed, For nothing is born without reason Even in murky, darkest prison. ...There were times when you cried "Why ?! Torture no more - let me die !" ...But no one listens, no one hears, It's all but roar in your ears... But nothing is forever here - Your hate, your curse, your life and gear, And just to strengthen bonds of thee For now you'll never be set free. To see the sun, to look at moon… And only death will come too soon, Silencing all that has been done And stopping runner in his run. You have your time before it comes To reconsider earned sums, To reconsider deeds that done, To once again look at sun. And only then the time you die You will be given wings to fly...