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Акоп Погосович Назаретян

§ The fifth vector of evolution: Restrictions in physical violence. Bloodshed Ratio as a cross-cultural index………………………….. 85

§ The techno-humanitarian balance and the sixth vector of evolution: Virtualization……………………………………………102

Ch.1.1.2. Phase transitions in social history & prehistory…………………..121 § “A dove with a hawk’s beak” & the life-asserting neurosis………..122 § Cultural pseudo-speciation, selection & crises in the Paleolithic…..136 § The Neolithic: At the threshold of society-nature & inter-tribe cooperation………………………………………………………….150 § The Urban Revolution: “Habitual” & written law………………….164 § “Morals for bronze” & “morals for steel”: The origins of critical thinking……………………………………………………………...176 § Prehistory & the formation of “indust-reality”. Disappointments of industrial paradise………………………………………………..195 § The Century of Humanism? ………………………………………..211 § On the counterfactuals in history: From free will to evolutionary hyperbole……………………………………………………………229 Ch.1.1.3. A Complexity-Theory view of evolution……………………………235 § Sustainable non-equilibrium & types of crisis. The Law of delayed dysfunction & the Rule of redundant variety………………236

§ Evolutionary dynamics: The Law of requisite variety & the Law of hierarchical compensations……………………………..247

§ Complexity: Structure, energy & information. Intellect as Maxwell’s Demon…………………………………………………..252

Section 1.2. From the Big Bang to the Olduvai…………………………………….265

Ch.1.2.1. Mega-evolution: Planetary & cosmic contexts of human history…………………………………………………......265

§ The constructs of World, Global & Universal (Big) history………..265

§ Versions of Universal history……………………………………….271

§ Universal history, cybernetics & synergetics……………………….277

Ch.1.2.2. Continuity of the evolutionary mechanisms………………………..283

§ Collisions of sustainable non-equilibrium in the biosphere………...283

§ Expansion of evolutionary hyperbole, and – again on the counterfactuals……………………………………………………...290

§ The cosmological arrow of time…………………………………….295

Part II. Humanitarian determinants of the future………………………………...301

Section 2.1. The midst of the 21st century: The Singularity Puzzle……………....301

Ch.2.1.1. “The laws of nature” & creative mind……………………………..301

§ The Snooks-Panov Vertical. Mind as an agent of universal evolution…302

§ The two key questions for strategic forecasting……………………306

Ch.2.1.2. The challenges of the 21st century…………………………………..320

§ What is meant by “Global crisis”? …………………………………320

§ Humanist culture and human biology………………………………322

§ “Knowledge-enabled destruction”………………………………….325

§ Attractors & scenarios………………………………………………329