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Дмитрий Николаевич Старостин

James E. “Beati pacifia”: Bishops and the Law in Sixth Century Gaul // Disputes and Settlements: Law and Human Relations in the West / Ed. by J. Bossy. Cambridge, 1983. P. 25–46; Van Dam R. Leadership and Community in Late Antique Gaul. Berkeley, 1985. P. 197–205.


Brown P. Christianity and Local Culture in Late Roman Africa // Journal of Roman Studies. 1968. Vol. 58. P. 85–95; Idem. The World of Late Antiquity, 200–750. L., 1971; Idem. Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity: Towards a Christian Empire. Madison, 1992; Klingshirn W. Authority, Consensus, and Dissent: Caesarius of Arles and the Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul: PhD thesis. Stanford, 1985; Klingshirn W. Charity and Power: Caesarius of Arles and the Ransoming of Captives in sub-Roman // Journal of Roman Studies. 1985. Vol. 75. P. 202.


Monod G. Études critiques sur les sources de l’histoire mérovingienne. T. 1. P. 106, 111, 114–116, 119, 125–127.


EwigE. Die fränkische Teilungen. S. 128–134.


Ibid. S. 172.


Wallace-Hadrill J.M. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar; with Its Continuations. L., 1960. R IX.


Fred. Cont.; Wallace-Hadrill J.M. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar; with Its Continuations. P. IX.


Kurth G. Fredegarius // The Catholic Encyclopedia. N.Y., 1909. Vol. 6. P. 251–252.


Wallace-Hadrill J.M. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar; with Its Continuations. P. XVI–XXV.


Diesenberger М., Reimitz Н. Zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. S. 255.


Goetz H.-W. Die germanisch-romanische Kultur-Synthese in der Wahrnehmung der merowingischer Geschichtsschreibung // Akkulturation: Probleme einer germanisch-romanischen Kultursynthese in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter / Hrsg, von D. Hägermann, W. Haubrichs, J. Jarnut. Berlin, 2004. S. 559; Wood I. Defining the Franks: Frankish Origins in Early Medieval Historiography // Concepts of National Identity in the Middle Ages / Ed. by S. Forde, L. Johnson, A.V. Murray. Leeds, 1995. P. 57; Fouracre P.J. The Nature of Frankish Political Institutions in the Seventh Century // Franks and Alamanni in the Merovingian Period: An Ethnographie Perspective. 60:1–2 / Ed. by I.N. Wood. Woodbridge, 1998. P. 297; Fred. Chron. 4; 73.


См.: Thierry A. Lettres sur l’histoire de France. P. 68–107; James E. Childeric, Syagrius et la disparition du royaume de Soissons. P. 12.


Goetz H.-W. Die germanisch-romanische Kultur-Synthese. S. 557.


Fred. Chron. 4; 33, 34.


Ibid. 4; 1


Ibid. 4; 15.


Kurth G. Fredegarius; Wallace-Hadrill J.M. The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar; with Its Continuations. P. XVI–XXV.


Buchner R. Einleitung. S. XXIV.


Ibid. S. XXII.


Grig. Tour. Hist. 5; 14; Buchner R. Einleitung. S. XXII.


Fred. Chron. 4; 58.


Gerberding R. The Rise of the Carolingiens.


Diesenberger M., Reimitz H. Zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. S. 262.