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Скотт Маккуайр

McQuire 1997

McQuire S. Crossing the Digital Threshold. Brisbane: Australian Key Centre for Culture and Media Policy, Griffith University, 1997.

McQuire 1998

McQuire S. Visions of Modernity: Representation, Memory, Time and Space in the Age of the Camera. London: Sage, 1998.

McQuire 1999

McQuire S. Blinded by the (speed of) light // Theory Culture and Society. 1999. Vol. 16. № 5. P. 143–159.

McQuire 2001

McQuire S. Space creation: lessons from the city // Space Odysseys: Sensation and Immersion / Ed. by V. Lynn. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2001. P. 64–70.

McQuire 2002

McQuire S. Space for rent in the last suburb // Prefiguring Cyberculture: An Intellectual History/ Ed. by A. Cavallaro, A. Johnson, D. Tofts. Cambridge, Mass: Power Publications; MIT Press, 2002. P. 166–178.

McQuire 2004

McQuire S. Slow train coming? The transition to digital distribution and exhibition in cinema // Media International Australia. 2004. № 110 (February). P. 105–119.

McQuire, Papastergiadis 2005a

McQuire S., Papastergiadis N. After empire // Empires, Ruins, Networks: The Transcultural Agenda in Art / Ed. by S. McQuire, N. Papastergiadis. London: Rivers Orams Press; Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2005. P. 2–10.

McQuire, Papastergiadis 2005b

McQuire S., Papastergiadis N. From parafunctional spaces to shiny ruins // Knowledge Dialogue Exchange: Remapping Cultural Globalisms From the South / Ed. by N. Tsoutas. Sydney: Artspace, 2005. P. 83–100.

McQuire 2006

McQuire S. Technology // Theory, Culture and Society. Special issue: New Encyclopaedia Project 'problematizing global knowledge'. 2006. Vol. 25. № 2/3. P. 253–265.

Macrae 2003

Macrae D. Ruttmann, rhythm, and "reality": a response to Siegfried Kracauer’s interpretation of Berlin, the symphony of a great city // Expressionist Film: New Perspectives / Ed. by D. Scheunemann. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2003.

Magid 1997

Magid R. George Lucas: past, present and future // American Cinematographer. 1997. Vol. 78. № 2. P. 48–54.

Martin 2003

Martin R. The Organizational Complex: Architecture, Media and Corporate Space. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.

Marx 2000

Marx L. The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Marx 1863

Marx K. Theories of Surplus-Value (Addenda I) [Link].

Marx 1973

Marx K. Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy / Trans. by M. Nicolaus. London: Allen Lane/NLR, 1973.

Marx 1977

Marx K. Capital. Vol. 1 / Trans by B. Fowkes. New York: Vintage, 1977 [Маркс К. Капитал. Том 1 // Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Сочинения. М.: Политиздат, 1960. Т. 23].

Mayer 2000

Mayer M. The Zocalo: ephemeral interventions // Vectorial Elevation: Relational Architecture / Ed. by R. Lozano-Hemmer. Mexico City: Conaculta; Ediciones San Jorge, 2000. № 4.

Metz 1976a

Metz C. History/Discourse: a note on two voyeurisms // Edinburgh’76 Magazine. 1976.

Metz 1976b

Metz C. The Imaginary Signifier. Psychoanalysis and Cinema / Trans. by C. Britton et al. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1976.