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Fan Tianjiao. “Several Officials of Education Sector Dismissed for Bribery in Bengbu, Education Equipment Procurement Section Becomes Easy Target for Bribery”. Legal Daily, October 12, 2016.

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Gu Yuansen. “Cai Rongsheng, Former Head of Admission and Employment at Renmin University, Was Accused”. Modern Express, October 10, 2015.

“Heat News: Go Undercover in a Cross Province Group Providing Substitute with the Examinee in Gaokao”. June 7, 2015. Reposted on Sina.com.

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Liu, Jintie, et al. “Investigation on University Students’ Cheating in Examinations and Corresponding Countermeasures”. Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Social Science Edition) 14 (2012), 1.

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Ministry of Education of the PRC. “The Notice of the Issue of Regulations on Prohibiting Teachers Accepting Gifts or Payments from Students and Their Parents by Ministry of Education”. July 8, 2014.

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“Special Campaign by Ministry of Education to Address the Problem of Paid Make-up Class and Teachers Accepting Gifts and Payments against Regulations”. July 26, 2016.

Ministry of Finance of the PRC. “The Implementation Advice on Regulating the Collection of Fees for Education and Rectifying Unauthorized Collection of Fees for Education in 2015”. June 3, 2015.

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Ni Zhang. “How Strict Is Gao Kao Exam Discipline This Year?” China News Network, May 25, 2016.

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