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Игорь Бирман

Mohl Raymond A. Poverty in New York, 1783–1825. N. Y., 1971.

Myrdal Alva & P. Vincent. Are we too many? L.: Unesko, 1949.

Mukherji Shekhar. Poverty and fertility in India: demographic field theory perspective. New Delhi, 2007.

Muravchik Joshua. Heaven on Earth: the rise and fall of socialism. San Francisco, 2002.

Natalis Hervaeus. Poverty of Christ and the apostles. Toronto, 1999.

Nozik Robert. Anarchy, state, and Utopia. N. Y.:, 1974.

Orshansky Mollie. How poverty is measured. Monthly labor review. Feb. 1969.

Ortega y Gasset Jose. The Revolt of the Masses. N. Y., 1932.

Paul Jeffrey (Ed.). Reading Nozick: essays on Anarchy, start, and Utopia. Totowa, N. J., 1981.

Pinker Steven. The blank slate: the modern denial of human nature. N. Y., 2002.

Piketty Thomas & Emmanuel Saez. Income Inequality in the United States, 1913–1998. QJE, Feb. 2003, iss. 1.

Piore Michael J. Beyond individualism. Cambridge, Mass., 1995.

Popper Karl Raimund. Open society and its enemies. В 2-х т. Princeton, 1963 (есть по-русски).

Popper Karl Raimund. Lessons of the century. N. Y.—L., 1997.

Preston Paul. Franco: a biography. N. Y., 1994.

Rand Ayn. Capitalism: the unknown ideal. N. Y., 1966.

Rand Ayn. Answers: the best of her Q & A. N. Y., 2005.

Rand Ayn. Virtue of selfishness; a new concept of egoism. N. Y., 1965.

Ridley Matt. Genome: autobiography of a species in 23 chapters. N. Y., 2005 (1999) (есть русский перевод).

Roberts Paul Graig. Alienation and the Soviet economy. New Mexico, 1971.

Rodgers Harrel R. Jr. Cost of human neglect: America’s welfare failure. N. Y., 1982.

Rodgers Harrel R. Jr. American Poverty in a New Era of Reform. Second Edition. Armork, N. Y., 2006.

Russell Bertrand. In praise of idleness and other essays. L., 1935.

Russell Bertrand. Unpopular essays. N. Y., 1957.

Queen Stuart Alfred. Social work in the light of history. Philadelphia, 1922.

Schumpeter Joseph Alois. History of Economic Analysis. N. Y., 1954.

Schumpeter Joseph Alois. Ten great economists, from Marx to Keynes. N. Y., 1957.

Schumpeter Joseph Alois. Capitalism, socialism, and democracy. 3rd edition. N. Y.: Harper, 1950.

Shirer William L. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. N. Y., 1959.

Solow Robert. “How to understand the disaster?” The New York review of books. [курс.] 14.05.09.

Stephens John D. Transition from capitalism to socialism. Urbana, 1986.

Sugawara Yugi. Religious poverty: from Vatican Council II to the 1994

Synod of Bishops. Rome, 1997.

Thomas Norman. Fascism or socialism. The choice before us. L., 1934.

Thomas Norman. Socialism re-examined. Norton, 1963.

Todd Emmanuel. The Explanation of Ideology. N. Y. & Oxford, 1985.

Todd Emmanuel. The final fall: an essay on the decomposition of the Soviet sphere. 1979.

Townsend Peter & David Gordon (Eds.). World Poverty. New policies to defeat an old enemy. Bristol UK, 2002.

U. S. Census Bureau. Alternative Income Estimates in the United States. Wash. D. C., 2005.

U. S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. Measure of poverty: a report to Congress. Wash. D. C., 1974.