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Woolf, G. (ed), The Cambridge Illustrated History ofthe Roman World (Cambridge, 2003)

Cornell, T. J., Beginnings of Rome: Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars (London, 1995)

Woolf, G., Et Tu Brute? The Murder of Caesar and Political Assassination (London, 2006)

Wyke, M., Projecting the Past: Ancient Rome, Cinema and History (New York; London, 1997)

Hopkins, Keith and Beard, Mary, The Colosseum (London, 2005)

Bowman, A. K., Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier. Vindolanda and its People (London, 2003)


Available in translation:

Cicero's Letters to Atticus (London, 1978)

Cicero's Letters to his Friends (London, 1978)

Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome (London, 1989)

Petronius and Seneca, The Satyricon, The Apocolocyntosis (The Pumpkinification of the Divine Claudius) (London, 1977)

Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars (Oxford, 2000)

Plutarch, Fall of the Roman Republic (London, 1972)

Caesar, The Civil War (London, 1967)

Josephus, The Jewish War (London, 1981)


Jones, Peter and Sidwell, Keith (eds), The World of Rome: An Introduction to Roman Culture, (Cambridge, 1997)

Woolf, G. (ed), The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Roman World (Cambridge, 2003)

Hopkins, Keith, Conquerors and Slaves (Cambridge, 1978)

Griffin, Jasper, Virgil (London, 2001)

Jenkyns, Richard, Virgil's Experience: Nature and History, Times, Names, and Places (Oxford, 1998)


For Rome's early history see the following Penguin translations:

Polybius, Histories: The Rise of the Roman Empire (London, 1979)

Livy, The Early History of Rome (Bks 1-5) (London, 2002)

Livy, Rome and Italy (Bks 6-10) (London, 1982)

For Virgil, see:

Georgics (Oxford, 2006) and The Aeneid (London, 1990)


The most accessible narrative account of the life of Tiberius Gracchus can be found in:

Richardson, Keith: Daggers in the Forum: The Revolutionary Lives and Violent Deaths of the Gracchus Brothers (London, 1976).

Other key works are:

Astin, A. E., Scipio Aemilianus (Oxford, 1967)

Stockton, David, The Gracchi (Oxford, 1979)

Astin, A.E.; Walbank, F.W.; Frederiksen, M.W.; Ogilvie, RJV1. (eds), Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 8: 'Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 вс' (Cambridge, 1989)

Beard, Mary and Crawford, Michael, Rome in the Late Republic. Problems and Interpretations (London, 1999)

Brunt, P. A., Italian Manpower (Oxford 1971)


For the Roman conquest of the Mediterranean see:

Polybius, Histories: The Rise of the Roman Empire (London, 1979) (selected excerpts)

Livy, The War with Hannibal (Bks 21-30) (London, 1970)

Livy, Rome and the Mediterranean (Bks 31-45) (London, 1976)

In Loeb Classical Library edition see:

Polybius, The Histories (Cambridge, Mass., 1922-27)

Appian, Roman History (Cambridge, Mass., 1912-13) both of which give the full Greek text and translation.

For accounts of the lives of Tiberius Gracchus and Gaius Gracchus see: