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Leonard Cohen, “Anthem”, The Future, 1992, Columbia Records.


Використано з дозволу Террі Ст. Клауд.


Suniya S. Luthar, Dante Cicchetti, and Bronwyn Becker, “The Construct оf Resilience: A Critical Evaluation and Guidelines for Future Work”, Child Development 71, no. 3 (2000): 543—62; Suniya S. Luthar and Dante Cicchetti, “The Construct оf Resilience: Implications for Interventions and Social Policies”, Development and Psychopathology 12 (2000): 857—85; Christine E. Agaibi and John P. Wilson, “Trauma, PTSD, and Resilience: A Review of the Literature”, Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 6, no. 3 (2005): 195—216; Anthony D. Ong, C. S. Bergeman, Toni L. Bisconti, and Kimberly A. Wallace, “Psychological Resilience, Positive Emotions, and Successful Adaptation to Stress in Later Life”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91, no. 4 (2006): 730—49.


C. R. Snyder, Psychology of Hope: You Can Get There from Here, paperback ed. (New York: Free Press, 2003); C. R. Snyder, “Hope Theory: Rainbows in the Mind”, Psychological Inquiry 13, no. 4 (2002): 249—75.


C. R. Snyder, Kenneth A. Lehman, Ben Kluck, and Yngve Monsson, “Hope for Rehabilitation and Vice Versa”, Rehabilitation Psychology 51, no. 2 (2006): 89—112; C. R. Snyder, “Hope Theory: Rainbows in the Mind”, Psychological Inquiry 13, no. 4 (2002): 249—75.


Jean Kilbourne, “Lecture Series: What Are Advertisers Really Selling Us?” http://jeankilbourne.com/?page_id=12.


Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising’s Image of Women, DVD, directed by Sut Jhally (Northampton, MA: Media Education Foundation, 2010).


Tough Guise: Violence, Media, and the Crisis in Masculinity, DVD, directed by Sut Jhally (Northampton, MA: Media Education Foundation, 1999).


Програма «Дванадцять кроків» — набір керівних принципів для духовного переорієнтування в процесі відновлення після алкогольної залежності, який застосовують у Товаристві анонімних алкоголіків. (Прим. перекл.)


Gerard J. Connors, Stephen A. Maisto, and William H. Zywiak, “Male and Female Alcoholics̕ Attributions Regarding the Onset and Termination of Relapses and the Maintenance of Abstinence”, Journal of Substance Abuse 10, no. 1 (1998): 27—42; G. Alan Marlatt and Dennis M. Donovan, Relapse Prevention: Maintenance Strategies in the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, 2nd ed. (New York: Guilford Press, 2007); Norman S. Miller and Mark S. Gold, “Dissociation of ‘Conscious Desire’ (Craving) from and Relapse in Alcohol and Cocaine Dependence”, Annals of Clinical Psychology 6, no. 2 (1994): 99—106.


Anne Robertson, “Joy or Happiness?” St. John’s United Methodist Church, www.stjohnsdover.org/99adv3.html. Used with permission from Anne Robertson.


Lynne Twist, The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2003), 44.


Lynne Twist, The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2003), 75.