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Anon., Russia's Next Move Towards India. 1885.

Anon., The Dardanelles for England. The True Solution of the Eastern Question. 1876.

Argyle, Duke of, The Eastern Question. 2 vols. 1879.

Armstrong, T. (ed.), Yermak's Campaign in Siberia. 1975.

'Arthur Vincent', The Defence of India. 1922.

Baddeley, John F., The Russian Conquest of the Caucasus. 1908.

Baker, ]'. N. L., A History of Geographical Discovery and Exploration. 1931.

Baker, Col. Valentine, Clouds in the East. Travels and Adventures on the Perso‑Turkoman Frontier. 1876.

Barr, Lt. W., Journal of a March from Delhi to Peshawur and from thence to Cabul with the Mission of Lieut.‑Colonel Sir C.M. Wade. 1844.

Bartlett, E. A., Shall England Keep India? 1886.

Barton, Sir W., India's North‑West Frontier. 1939.

Baskakov, V. (trans.), A History of Afghanistan. Moscow, 1985.

Baxter, W. E., England and Russia in Asia. 1885.

Becker, S., Russia's Protectorates in Central Asia. Bokhara and Khiva, 1865—1924. Cambridge, Mass., 1968.

Bell, Maj. Evans, The Oxus and the Indus. 1869. Bell, James S., Journal of a Residence in Circassia during the Years 1837, 1838 and 1839. 2 vols. 1840.

Bell, Col. M. S., Afghanistan as a Theatre of Operations and as a Defence to India. Calcutta, 1885.

Bellew, Surg.‑Maj. H.W., Journal of a Political Mission to Afghanistan in 1857. 1862.

From the Indus to the Tigris, a Journey through the Countries of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan and Iran in 1872. 1873.

Kashmir and Kashgar. A Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy to Kashgar in 1873—1874. 1875. Benyon, Lt. W. G. L., With Kelly to Chitral. 1896. Beresford, Col. C.E., 'Russian Railways towards India', Proceedings of the Central Asian Society. 1906. Blanch, Lesley, The Sabres of Paradise. 1960. Blood, Gen. Sir Bindon, Four Score Years and Ten. 1933. Bonvalot, Gabriel, Through the Heart of Asia. Over the Pamirs to India. 2 vols. 1889.

Boulger, Demetrius, England and Russia in Central Asia. 2 vols. 1879.

Central Asian Portraits. 1880.

Central Asian Questions. Essays on Afghanistan, China and Central Asia. 1885. Bower, Capt. Hamilton, Diary of a Journey Across Tibet. Calcutta, 1893.

Bremner, Robert, Excursions in the Interior of Russia, including Sketches of the Character and Policy of the Emperor Nicholas. 2 vols. 1839.

Bruce, R. I., The Forward Policy and its Results. 1900. Buchan, John, The Half‑Hearted. 1900. Buckland, С. Е., Dictionary of Indian Biography. 1906. Burnaby, Capt. Frederick, A Ride to Khiva. Travels and Adventures in Central Asia. 1876.

On Horseback through Asia Minor. 2 vols. 1877. Burnes, Sir Alexander, Travels into Bokhara. 3 vols. 1834. Cabool. Being a Personal Narrative of a Journey to, and Residence in, that City in the Years 1836, 7 and 8.1842. Burslem, Capt. R., A Peep into Toorkistan. 1846.

Cameron, Lt.‑Col. G. P., Personal Adventures and Excursions in Georgia, Circassia and Russia. 2 vols. 1845.

Campbell, Sir George, The Afghan Frontier. 1879.

Caroe, Sir Olaf, ThePathans, 550 ВС—AD 1957. 1958.