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Льюис Кэрролл

Нередко творчество Льюиса Кэрролла рассматривают как начало жанра фэнтези. Сказки автора не теряют своей популярности среди взрослых и детей. «Алиса в Стране чудес» и «Алиса в Зазеркалье» были неоднократно экранизированы.

Льюис Кэрролл умер 14 января 1898 года в Гилфорде, графстве Суррей.

Alices Adventures In Wonderland

Chapter 1. Down the Rabbit Hole

Alice was tired of sitting near her sister on the bank of the river. She had nothing to do: once or twice she looked into the book that her sister was reading. But the book had no pictures or conversations in it. “What is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?”

She was thinking about making a daisy-chain but the day was hot and she felt very sleepy and lazy. Suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.

The Rabbit said to itself “Oh dear! Oh dear, I shall be late!” Then it took a watch out of his waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and hurried on. Alice stood up and burning with curiosity ran across the field after it. So she was just in time to see that the Rabbit jumped down a large rabbit hole under the hedge.

Alice went down after it. The rabbit hole was like a tunnel and then it suddenly went down. It was so sudden that Alice didn’t have time to think. And the next moment she was falling down the well. The well was so deep or she was falling so slowly that she had time to look around. She saw cupboards and bookshelves, there were maps and pictures there too. But she was falling down and down. “I must be near the centre of the earth,” Alice said aloud. “I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it will be to see people that walk with their heads down!

Down, down, down. “Dinah will miss me very much, I think!” (Dinah was the cat.) Dinah, my dear!” And Alice felt sleepy when suddenly, thump! And the fall was over – she was on a heap of dry leaves.

Alice jumped up on to her feet and looked up but it was all dark there. The White Rabbit was still hurrying along a corridor. Alice went after him like a wind and heard the Rabbit say “Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it is!” and it turned the corner. She turned the corner too but couldn’t see the Rabbit. She was now in a long hall.

There were doors all around the hall but they were all locked. Suddenly Alice saw a little glass table with a tiny golden key on it. But the locks in all the doors were very large and the key was very small and it couldn’t open them. But then suddenly Alice noticed a low curtain with a little door behind it. To her great delight the golden key opened it!

Behind the door was a small corridor which lead to a very beautiful garden. Alice wanted so much to be among those bright flowers and cool fountains! But even her head couldn’t get through the little door. So she went back to the table hoping to find another key on it. But this time she found there a little bottle with a paper label with large letters on it: “DRINK ME”.