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Lindsey Davis

You are my only hope, Falco! That tribune says I have to give up all my little luxuries." I leaned on the doorframe at Damagoras" cell. So far he had managed to hang on to cushions, rugs, bronze side tables, a portable shrine, and a well padded mattress. There are worse jails, Damagoras. If you want to see a hell hole, try the underground tomb at the Mamertine in Rome." The old pirate shuddered. Nobody gets out of there." My voice was cold. I did!" He gazed at me. You're full of surprises, Falco."

Sometimes I surprise myself. At this moment, knowing that you run organised kidnap rackets, I am surprised to find myself talking to you… You had nothing to say when I approached you for aid before. Why do you want to see me, old man?" I noticed now that Damagoras was thinner and older-looking than when he dealt with me so arrogantly at his villa. Time was running out for him. This cell in the decrepit barracks was no place for his ancient bones, already aching after a long, active life at sea. You still want to find Diocles, Falco?" he asked.

In return, I am to offer you…?"

My old ship's logs. You have them, don't you?"

Evidence." That was stretching it. Only Damagoras himself was implicated in those old sea fights, and only if he admitted that the logs were his. Reference to the Cilicians" violent past was mere colour. But the way Rubella worked, a sympathetic magistrate would be asked to review evidence like this, circumstantial but yet shocking, then his condemnation would send the kidnappers straight to crucifixion or to the arena beasts. Nobody would see a trial. The sailors were men of humble background, unlikely to possess proof of citizenship, and what's more, they were foreigners. Enough said. I came further into the cell. All right, what have you got for me?"

You'll give me the logs?" Damagoras demanded eagerly.

If I find the scribe, I will give you the logs." He was eighty-six. His own activities must be limited and any of his cronies who remained free after Rubella's purge would be kicked out of Italy, so he would lack subordinates. Things were different now, in any case. Damagoras was on a watch list. He leaned forwards from a battered chair. The scribe and I were closer than I may have said." I nodded. Diocles knew a lot about me."

He stayed at your house."

You knew? He was with me for a couple of weeks. When he disappeared, I had my boys find out what had happened."

He is dead, isn't he?"

I reckon so, Falco. That was why I stopped looking." I crouched down in front of Damagoras, elbows on my knees. So what did you find out?"

He really was going to write my memoirs, you know." Damagoras spoke now as if he was describing a good friendship. We went into everything in detail."

I know that. Diocles made copious notes."