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Mel Odom

"That's the hero's song," she cried out enthusiastically, turning to her brother. "Don't you hear him coming, Shyl?"

The merboy nodded, a small grin turning his lips.

Despite his own doubts and fears about everything the merman shaman had told him, Pacys couldn't help smiling. It was a hero's song. His fingers moved across the strings with growing confidence, seeking out the melody.

Narros reached out and clapped him on the shoulder. "You'll find him, Taleweaver," he said. "Wherever he is, it's your destiny to find him. Go first to Baldur's Gate and seek him there."


17 Mirtul, the Year of the Gauntlet

Tynnel's eyes narrowed as he walked toward Jherek. He gestured at Aysel and his fallen comrades. "Get them on their feet."

Crewmen split up and helped the fallen men to stand. Aysel remained hard to rouse. One of the serving wenches approached and spilled a tankard of ale into his face. Aysel woke, spluttering and cursing, instantly flailing around for his weapon. Three crewmen restrained him. When Aysel realized Tynnel was there, he quieted immediately.

"Why did you fight them?" Tynnel asked.

Jherek had no ready answer.

"Because of that damned woman," one of Aysel's comrades called out. "Having women aboard a ship, Cap'n, that's always been-"

Tynnel quieted the man with a steely glance, then shifted his attention back to Jherek. "You fought them over Sabyna?"

"Aye," Jherek admitted, but he was reluctant to repeat the terrible things Aysel had said.

"Was she here?"

"No, sir. She's been looking for you."

"I know that," Tynnel said in a clipped voice. "I just came from her when I heard one of my crewmen had been involved^ in a brawl here. I don't allow fighting in the ports we ship in, not if you're a part of my crew. I could have lost three crewmen in this debacle that I can presently ill afford to lose."

"He started it, Cap'n," Aysel shouted. "Raised his hand against me, and I had every right to defend myself. My mates were there to make sure he didn't slit my gullet before I had a chance to defend myself."

Surprise lighted the captain's eyes. "Is that true?" Tynnel demanded of Jherek. "Did you strike the first blow?"

Before Jherek could answer, the old man spoke up. "It wasn't the boy, Cap'n," he said. "The big man there had a foul mouth on him, goaded the boy into the fight."

Tynnel's eyes never left Jherek's. "Thank you for your comments, sir, but I live in a world where fights are fought with words or with swords. If you find yourself outclassed in either, that's fine, but they are to remain separate on my ship, and swords are not allowed." His words carried an edge.

"It was the big man," the old warrior said, "who threw the first blow. I saw him, and so did most of those in the tavern."

Confirmation of the old man's statement echoed in the tavern as the others took up the young sailor's defense. Jherek looked around them, totally surprised.

"Don't you worry none, boy," the old man whispered. "A scrapper like you with his heart in the right place, even rogues such as these will come around and stand up for him. Your cap'n's a tough but fair man, but his rules are his own and he sticks by 'em."