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Пер Андерс Рудлинг


UKL.№ 441. P. 7.


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Электронное письмо Марко Царинника от 10 февраля 2010 г., находится в распоряжении автора статьи.


Электронное письмо Доминика Ареля Джону-Полу Химке от 17 февраля 2010 г., находится в распоряжении автора статьи.


The author wishes to thank Tarik Cyril Amar, Delphine Bechtel, Sofia Dyak, John-Paul Himka, Ivan Kachanovski, Jared McBride, and Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe. Vasyl' Rasevych. Zamknute kolo 'spetsial'noi' ukrains'koi istorii // Zaxid.net.13.09.2010. http://zaxid.net/article/74357 (Last accessed: September 16, 2010); Sofia Grachova. Unknown Victims: Ethnic-Based Violence of the World War II Era in Ukrainian Politics of History after 2004 / Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Danyliw Research Seminar in Contemporary Ukrainian Studies, Chair of Ukrainian Studies, University of Ottawa, October 23–25, 2008.


Wilfried Jilge. Nationalukrainischer Befreiungskampf: Die Umwertung des Zweiten Weltkrieges in der Ukraine // Osteuropa. 2008. Bd. 58. S. 167–186; Delphine Bechtel. Les pogroms en Galicie, 1941: des pages blanches de l'histoire a une histoire en pointilles? // Alexandre Prstoievic and Luba Jurgenson (Eds.). Des temoins aux heritiers: l'ecriture de la Shoah. Paris, 2012. Pp. 111–130.


Volodymyr V'iatrovych. Evropa zahovoryla // Ukrains'ka Pravda. 2.03.2010. http://www.pravda.com.ua/columns/2010/03/2/4824766/ (Last accessed: February 29, 2011).


Volodmyr V'iatrovych. Konovalets' — heroi Ukrainy // Tsentr Doslidzhen' vyzvol'noho rukhu. 7.06.2011. http://cdvr.org.ua/content/B0n0aHMHp-BgTp0BHH-K0H0Bane^-rep0H- YKpaiHH (Last accessed: October 12, 2011).


Sviatoslav Lypovets'kyi. OUN Banderivtsy: frahmenty diialnosti ta borot'by. Kyiv, 2010. P. 84.


According to the TsDVR Web site, its partners include not only the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI), the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS), the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the Ivan Franko National University but also the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), the OUN(b)-led Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), and the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Center and Museum of Genocide, the TsDVR's Lithuanian equivalent. http://www.cdvr.org.ua/content/napTHepu (Last accessed: October 13, 2011).


For instance, OUN(b) veteran Volodymyr Kosyk (born 1924) who in the 1950s was the OUN(b) liaison to Chiang Kai-Shek's Taiwan and Francisco Franco's Spain, is now honorary director of TsDVR. «News and Views» // ABN Correspondence. 1961. Vol. XII. No. 1. P. 28; Per Anders Rudling. The OUN, the UPA, and the Holocaust: A Study in the Manufacturing of Historical Myths // The Carl Beck Papers in Russian & Eurasian Studies 2107. Pittsburgh, 2011. P. 56. Fn. 196.


Rudling. OUN, the UPA, Holocaust. P. 37.