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Adam Makkai

[back and forth]{adv.} Backwards and forwards. •/The chair is rocking hack and forth./ •/The tiger is pacing hack and forth in his cage./ Compare: TO AND FRO.

[back away]{v.} To act to avoid or lessen one’s involvement in something; draw or turn back; retreat. * The townspeople backed away from the building plan when they found out how much it would cost.

[back door]{n.}, {slang}, {citizen’s band radio jargon} Rear of vehicle. •/I am watching your back door./

[back down] or [back off] {v.}, {informal} To give up a claim; not follow up a threat. •/Bill said he could beat Ted, but when Ted put up his fists Bill backed down./ •/Harry claimed Joe had taken his book, but backed down when the teacher talked with him./ Syn.: BEAT A RETREAT. Compare: BACK OUT, GIVE IN, GO BACK ON(1).

[back in circulation]{adv. phr.} 1. Socially active once again (said about people); back on the dating circuit after a divorce or a romantic breakup. •/Now that Sully is divorced from Jim she is hack in circulation./ 2. Once again available to the public (said about types of paper money, rare coins, or other commercially available goods). •/In the USA the two-dollar hill was back in circulation for a short time only in the 1950s and 1960s./

[back number]{n.} Something out of fashion, or out of date. •/Among today’s young people a waltz like "The Blue Danube" is a hack number./

[backfire]{v.} To misfire; to have a reverse effect from what was intended. •/Mimi’s gossip about the Head of the Department backfired wizen people began to mistrust her./

[backhanded compliment]{n. phr.} A remark that sounds like a compliment but is said sarcastically. •/"Not had for a girl" the coach said, offering a backhanded compliment./

[back of] or [in back of] {prep.} 1. In or at the rear of; to the back of; behind. •/The garage is hack of the house./ •/Our car was in hack of theirs at the traffic light./ 2. {informal} Being a cause or reason for; causing. •/Hard work was back of his success./ •/The principal tried to find out what was back of the trouble on the bus./ 3. {informal} In support or encouragement of; helping, clones will be elected because many powerful men are back of him. •/Get in back of your team by cheering them at the game./

[back out]{v. phr.} 1. To move backwards out of a place or enclosure. •/Bob slowly backed his car out of the garage./ 2. To withdraw from an activity one has promised to carry out. •/Jim tried to back out of the engagement with Jane, but she insisted that they get married./ Compare: BEG OFF, GO BACK ON.

[back seat] See: TAKE A BACK SEAT.