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Adam Makkai

[at the end of one’s rope] See: END OF ONE’S ROPE.

[at the kill] See: IN AT THE KILL.

[at the least] See: AT LEAST.

[at the mercy of] or [at one’s mercy] {adj. phr.} In the power of; subject to the will and wishes of; without defense against. •/The champion had the other boxer at his mercy./ •/The picnic was at the mercy of the weather./ •/The small grocer was at the mercy of people he owed money to./

[at the most] See: AT MOST.

[at the outset]{adv. phr.} At the start; at the beginning. •/"You’ll live in the cheaper barracks at the outset; later you can move into the better cabins," the camp director said to the new boys./

[at the outside]{adv. phr.} Maximally; at the utmost. •/This old house can cost no more than $40,000 at the outside./

[at the point of]{prep.} Very near to; almost at or in. •/When Mary broke her favorite bracelet, she was at the point of tears./ •/The boy hurt in the accident lay at the point of death for a week, then he got well./ Compare: ABOUT TO(1), ON THE POINT OF.

[at the ready]{adj. phr.} Ready for use. •/The sailor stood at the bow, harpoon at the ready, as the boat neared the whale./

[at the same time]{adv. phr.} 1. In the same moment; together. •/The two runners reached the finish line at the same time./ Syn.: AT ONCE, AT ONE TIME. 2. In spite of that fact; even though; however; but; nevertheless. •/John did pass the test; at the same time, he didn’t know the subject very well./

[at the seams] See: BURST AT THE SEAMS.

[at the table] or [at table] {adv. phr.} At a meal; at the dinner table. •/The telephone call came while they were all at table./

[at the tip of one’s tongue] or [on the tip of one’s tongue] {adv. phr.} {informal} 1. Almost spoken; at the point of being said. •/It was at the tip of my tongue to tell him, when the phone rang./ •/John had a rude answer on the tip of his tongue, but he remembered his manners just in time./ 2. Almost remembered; at the point where one can almost say it but cannot because it is forgotten. •/I have his name on the tip of my tongue./

[at the top of one’s voice] or [at the top of one’s lungs] {adv. phr.} As loud as you can; with the greatest possible sound; very loudly. •/He was singing at the top of his voice./ •/He shouted at the top of his lungs./

[at this rate] or [at that rate] {adv. phr.} At a speed like this or that; with progress like this or that. •/John’s father said that if John kept going at that rate he would never finish cutting the grass./ •/So Johnny has a whole dollar! At this rate he’ll be a millionaire./ •/"Three 100’s in the last four tests! At this rate you’ll soon be teaching the subject," Tom said to Mary./

[at times]{adv. phr.} Not often; not regularly; not every day; not every week; occasionally; sometimes. •/At times Tom’s mother lets him hold the baby./ •/You can certainly be exasperating, at times!/ •/We have pie for dinner at times./ Syn.: FROM TIME TO TIME, NOW AND THEN, ONCE IN A WHILE.