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«Apocalypse Culture» collected by Adam Parfey. A shocking work, depicting the worldviews of various «fringe» sects and individuals, ranging from necrophiliacs to ultra-right wing Christians.

«Snapping, America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change» by Flo Conway & Jim Siegelman. An interesting work utilizing information theory in the study of sudden personality change as occurs in religious cults, and the «Born-Again» phenomenon.

«Who Wrote the Bible?», by Richard Elliott Friedman, Harper & Row, 1987. A biblical scholar attempts to answer the question of the title, and in the process comes up with some interesting reasons for events in

«The Bible» (why does Moses have horns? Why the scene with the golden calf?). An interesting read, and possibly amusing for the cynic.

«The Satanism Scare», ed. James T. Richardson, Joel Best, and David G. Bromley (NY: Aldine, 1991): 145–172.

«Satan's Power: A Deviant Psychotherapy Cult», by William Simms Bainbridge, U of CA Press, 1978.

«Battle for the Mind», by William Sargent, Harper & Row, 1957.

«In Pursuit Of Satan», by Robert D. Hicks (Prometheus Books),

«Satanism In America», issued by the Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion. «Occult Crime: A Law Enforcement Primer» [To obtain a copy of this report, write to California Office of Criminal Justice Planning 1130 K Street, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95814]

И, конечно, Христианская БИБЛИЯ, катехизисы, и т. д. … для сравнения.

В работе использованы материалы:

Lupo the Butcher

Semhaza (The Antichrist)

Shaitaneth Baphomet (The Adversary)

Lupo the Polish Butcher

Frater (I) Nigris (666) в течение 1992-93 годов славших их в alt.satanism, alt.pagan и alt.magick