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Чарльз П. Киндлбергер

59. Cm. Willard L. Thorp, Business Annals (New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1926), p. 126.

60. Watson Washburn and Edmund S. Delong, High and Low Financiers: Some Notorious Swindlers and their Abuses of our Modem Stock Selling System (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1932), p. 13.

61. Там же, с. 85,101,144,309.

62. Barrie A. Wigmore, The Crash and its Aftermath: a History of Security Markets in the United States, 1929-1933 (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985), pp. 344-348.

63. Там же, с. 358-360.

64. James S. Gibbons, The Banks of New York, their Dealers, the Clearing House, and the Panic of 1857 (New York: D. Appleton, 1859), p. 104.

65. Там же, с. 277.

66. John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash, 1929,3rd ed (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972), pp. 133-135.

67. David F. Good, The Economic Rise of the Hapsburg Empire, 1750-1914 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984), p. 165.

68. D. Moricr Evans, Facts, Failures and Frauds (1839; reprinted, New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1968), p. 235.

69. Cm. Robert Shaplen, Kreuger: Genius and Swindler (New York: Knopf, 1960).

70. Carswell, South Sea Bubble, pp. 225, 265-266.

71. Bouvier, Le krach, pp. 211, 219.

72. Herbert I. Bloom, The Economic Activities of theJews of Arnster-dam in the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries (Williamsport, Pci.: Bayard Press, 1937), p. 199.

73. Carswell, South Sea Bubble, p. 210.

74. Dreiser, The Titan, p. 237.

75. Christina Stead, House of All Nations (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1938), p. 643.

Политика реагирования: позволить перегореть или употребить власть?

1. Thomas Joplin, Case for Parliamentary Inquiry into the Circumstances of the Panic, in a Letter to Thomas Gisborne, Esq., M. P. (London: James Ridgeway & Sons, n. d. [after 1832]), p. 10 (no поводу паники 1825 г.).

2. Sirjohn Clapham, The Bank of England: a History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1945), vol. 2, p. 236 (по поводу паники 1847 г.).

3. E. Victor Morgan, The Theo/y and Practice of Central Banking 1797-1913 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1943), p. 133.

4. Эпизод отмечем в книге A. Andreades, History of the Bank of England (London: P. S. King, 1909), p. 334. Для получения более подробной информации см. Rudiger Dornbusch and Jacob Frenkel, «The Gold Standard and the Bank of England in the Crisis of 1847», in Michael Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz eds, A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, 1821-1931 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984), pp. 233-264.

5. Ministere des Finances et al., Enquete sur les principes et les f aits generaux qui regissent la circulation monetaire et fiduciare (Paris: Imprimerie imperiale, 1867), vol. 1, p. 456.

6. «Разворот 1857 года — его причины и последствия», New York Herald, б/д, процитировано в книге D. Moricr Evans, The History of the Commercial Crisis, 1857-1858, and the Stock Exchange Panic of 1859 859: reprinted, New York: Augustus