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Дмитрий Викторович Токарев

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COHN R. (ed.) Modern Drama. Special Issue «Samuel Beckett». December 1966.

COHN R. (ed.) Perspective. Special Issue «Samuel Beckett» № 11. 1959.

CONNOR ST. Samuel Beckett: Repetition, Theory and Text. Oxford: Blackwell, 1988.

COPELAND H. Art and the Artist in the Works of Samuel Beckett. La Haye: Mouton, 1975.

CROUSSY G. Beckett. Paris: Hachette, 1971.

DAVIS R.J., BATLER L. St. J. (ed.) «Make Sens Who May»: Essays on Samuel Beckett’s Later Works. Gerrards Cross, G.B.: Colin Smythe, 1989.

DEARLOVE J.E. Accommodating the Chaos: Samuel Beckett’s Nonrelational Art. Durham: Duke University press, 1982.

DELYE H. Samuel Beckett ou la philosophic de l’Absurde. Aixen-Provence: La Pensee Universitaire, 1960.

DOLL M.A. Beckett and Myth: an Archetypal Approach. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University press, 1988.

DRECHSLER U. Die Absurde Farce bei Beckett, Pinter und Ionesco. Tübingen: G. Narr, 1988.

DREW A.M. (ed.) Past Crimson, Past Woe: The Shakespeare — Beckett Connection. New York & London: Garland, 1993.

DUROZOI G. Beckett. Paris & Montréal: Bordas, 1972.

EDWARDS M. Eloge de l’attente: T. S. Eliot et Samuel Beckett. Paris: Belin, 1996.

EGEBACK N. L’écriture de Beckett. Copenhague: Akademisk Forlag, 1975.

ELIOPULUS J. Samuel Beckett’s Dramatic Language. La Haye: Mouton, 1975.

ESSLIN M. The Theatre of the Absurd. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1961.

ESSLIN M. Meditations: Essays on Brecht, Beckett and the Media. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University press, 1980.

ESSLIN M. (ed.) Samuel Beckett: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1965.

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FEDERMAN R. Journey to Chaos: Samuel Beckett’s Early Fiction, Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California press, 1965.

FINNEY B. Since «How it is»: A Study of Beckett’s Later Fiction. London: Covent Garden press, 1972.

FITCH B.T. Beckett and Babel: An Investigation into the Status of the Bilingual Work. Toronto, Buffalo & London: University of Toronto press, 1988.

FITCH B.T. Dimensions, structures et textualite dans la trilogie romanesque de Beckett. Paris: Lettres Modemes, 1977.

FLETCHER J. Samuel Beckett’s Art. London: Chatto à Windus, 1967.

FLETCHER J.The Novels of Samuel Beckett. London: Chatto & Windus, 1964.

FLETCHER J., SPURLING J. Beckett: A Study of his Plays. London: Methuen, 1972.

FOUCRÉ M. Le geste et la parole dans le théâtre de Samuel Beckett. Paris: Nizet, 1972.

FRIEDMAN M. (ed.) Samuel Beckett Now: Critical Approach to His Novels, Poetry & Plays, Chicago, London, University of Chicago press, 1970.

GESSNER N. Die Unzulänglichkeit der Sprache: Eine Untersuchung über Formzefall und Beziehungslosigkeit bei Samuel Beckett. Zürich: Juris, 1957.

GLUCK B. Beckett and Joyce: Friendship and Fiction. Lewis-burg: Bucknell University press / London: Associated University press, 1979.

GONTARSKI S.E. Beckett’s «Happy Days»: A Manuscript Study. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Libraries, 1977.