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445. Pritchard M.E., Keenan J.M. Memory monitoring in mock jurors Vol.31. P.301-312

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434. Pickel K.L. Distinguishing eyewitness descriptions of perceived 446. Quackenbush R.L. A comparison of androgynous, masculine sex-objects from descriptions of imagined objects // Applied Cognitive typed and undifferentiated males on dimensions of attitudes toward rape //

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451. Read J.D., Tollestrup P., Hammersley R., McFadzen E., 2002. Vol.7. P.385–406

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440. Powell M.B., Ceci S., Hembrooke H. The effect of repeated 453. Rector N.A., Bagby R.M., Nicholson R. The effect of prejudice experience on children`s suggestibility // Forensic psychology and law: and judicial ambiguity on defendant guilt ratings // The Journal of Social traditional questions and new ideas / Ed.by A.Czerederecka, T.Jaskiewicz-Psychology. 1993. Vol.133. P.651-659.

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454. Regan P.C., Baker S.J. The impact of child witness demeanor on 441. Powell M.B., Thompson D.M. Contrasting memory for temporal-perceived credibility and trial outcome in sexual abuse cases // Journal of source and memory for content in children’s discrimination of repeated Family Violence. 1998. Vol.13. P.187-195